Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'm giving myself an F in remembering.

While I was sitting in some class (can't even remember which one!) today, I thought of a bunch of different stories I could tell you, internet. I can't remember any of them now, but I'm pretty sure they were good.
You will simply have to take my word for it.

On the plus side, I found several hours of free time to read today! Which is pretty crazy because it's Thursday and on Thursday I have class all day.

Ok, that's not entirely true. I have class at 9:30, then at 11, then at 1:30, but that last one goes until 3:10, so. Bottom line is, I'm at the college all day and since circumstances are such that I have to get there at 7AM, I'm REALLY there all day.
Now, I knew it would be like that from the beginning and I thought I would hate it - cue Kindle to the rescue!
You guys, my Kindle might be the best thing I have ever owned. I am not even getting paid to say that. I just genuinely LOVE the thing. I love that I can carry dozens of books with me at all times (I know it can hold thousands, but come on, it's gonna take me some time to work up to that many) and it just weighs a few ounces and takes up almost no room. I love that when I finish a book and I'm still stuck at the college with nothing to do there are literally thousands of books I can browse on my Kindle and download and start reading right then. And so many of those books are free! Actually, that might be my favorite thing about Kindle - the free books on Kindle. I'm a broke college student who's also addicted to books, so you can see why I would appreciate FREE ones so much, right?
Anyway, so I have Kindle and I have lots of books and I have lots of time to kill every morning. Now, some background: last year I attended a very large university which I loved and also didn't love for many reasons. There was always stuff to do there and there was always homework or a test to stress over and, you guys, I just stopped reading books. For a whole year, I read maybe three books. It was weird and very unlike me, but I just didn't have time and I didn't make time to sit down and read.

Now, I go to a much smaller college and I'm much less stressed and pressed for time. So I'm reading again and it is wonderful. Since school started three weeks ago I've finished two books and started two more (reading two books at the same time! It's been years since I've done that.). I'm back to being my old bookworm self and it's really nice.

So there, I came up with a story to tell you.
I'm not sure it was as good as the ones I forgot.

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