Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I want a book about Professor McGonagall. Man, there is way more to her than we ever knew.

Also, my lifelong suspicions have been confirmed - I got sorted into Ravenclaw. Suck on that, Evanna Lynch! Get in in one of the first batches and then whine to everybody about how you didn't get the house you wanted...ugh.

I think that was what bothered me the most about waiting for my welcome email. It was cool when other people would get excited about wizard duelling and potions and house points - that just made me look forward to it. But then there were all these people who just kept whining about how they got sorted into the "wrong" house. I wanted to smack them. Here I was, waiting (not so) patiently just to get to use the site and all they can do is cry about how they'd always just known they were meant to be in Slytherin, but they got some other house. Or about how they got Hufflepuff. Man, WHAT is with the Hufflepuff hating? Slytherin has a reputation for turning out evil wizards like Voldemort and annoying little snots like Draco Malfoy (although, admittedly, I found some love for Draco in the end), but they get more love than loyal, hard-working Hufflepuffs. I mean, I know the only really impressive Hufflepuff we got to meet was introduced and [SPOILER ALERT] killed within one book (then came back as a vampire - what the heck, Wormtail?), but COME ON. They are LOYAL and HARD-WORKING and generally, all-around nice people. Fun fact -Tonks was a Hufflepuff! Tonks is awesome! (I like the idea that Teddy ended up in Hufflepuff, too, don't you?)

I mean, clearly, Hufflepuff is awesome. But some people seem to be offended by being sorted into it. Me, I just wanted the chance to get sorted at all and I did not appreciate all these people whining about "wrong" houses when they could be getting over it and reading all the special notes! And brewing potions! (Which needs some work.) And practicing spell-casting! (Also could use some work.)

In summary, there is some really cool stuff on Pottermore and, so far, very little of it (some background colors?) seems to be affected by what house you are in. If you are offended by what you think your sorting says of your personality then try to remember that it is fiction and no one is stopping from closing that browser and going to do something else. Stop taking it so seriously.

Really. I could write pages and pages about how good I think the HP books are for building reading skills and confidence and how and why they should be taught in schools and I am telling you to take them less seriously.
Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go finish brewing a potion :)

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